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快!快!快!免費的 - 英國 Glensound 遠端遙控軟體 GlenController


快!快!快!免費的 - 英國 Glensound 遠端遙控軟體 GlenController
快!快!快!免費的 - 英國 Glensound 遠端遙控軟體 GlenController

快!快!快!免費的 - 英國 Glensound 遠端遙控軟體 GlenController

GlenController Windows10/11應用程式 免費 提供,可為Glensound的Dante/AES67網路音訊產品系列增加網路遠端控制/設定功能。


點擊左上角的齒輪,開啟左下角的 Demo Mode

此應用程式完全由Glensound的軟體工程師自行編寫,可直接下載,並安裝至你的Windows PC上。



GlenController 具有內建備援功能(Rredundancy)。它透過主要和次要網路介面(如果有的話)連接至它所控制的裝置,且就像Dante網路音訊一樣,如果兩個網路中有一個失效,它會提供無縫備份。





  • 為許多Dante產品提供網路遠端控制功能

  • Windows 10/11應用程式

  • 內建備援功能

  • 某些產品的遠端韌體更新

  • 免費下載與使用

  • 搭配使用:Paradiso、Paradiso Lite、Dark1616M、Dark1616S、Dark8MAI、Dark8MAIR、Styx、BEA-B4+、Divine、Spark、Vita Mini-X、Comedia、GTM



目前版本為 v4.1.6。

  1. 點擊下載連結。

  2. 下載完後,解壓縮ZIP檔,並執行「GlenController_4.1.6.0_x64.msixbundle」進行安裝。

  3. 按螢幕中指示進行安裝。

點選 此處 下載Glensound的軟體出版商證書。要下載Glensound網路資料通訊協定文件(僅限特定裝置),請點選 此處

本安裝程式適用於 Windows 10 64 bit、2004或更新版本,及Windows 11,可在Intel/AMD 處理器上執行。如果你需要適用於ARM的Windows安裝程式,請與堅達公司聯絡(02)7720-9899。

堅達公司 為英國 Glensound 台灣獨家代理,歡迎致電(02)7720-9899洽詢。我們有 Dante 專家竭誠解答你的疑問。


v4.1.6 02-Sep-2024

Bug fix:(Divine) Buttons turn disabled after leaving the page

v4.1.5 02-Jul-2024

Features:Device group, allows copying setting to multiple devices- Device filtering by name or type- Selection of network interfaces in Settings- Improved graphic rendering at different screen resolutions- (GTM) Added HP Swap support

v3.12.3 24-Apr-2024-

Features:(GTM) Added more options for headphone/headset signal sources- (GTM) Added hi-pass filter to mic input

Bug fixes:(GTM) Mixer pages not updating when Role changes- A device open in Exclusive mode can still be open in another instance

Requirements:(GTM) Firmware v1.2.1

v3.12.1 17-Jan-2024-

Feature:(GTM) Increased max mic gain to 63 dB

v3.11.2 03-Nov-2023-

Feature:(GTM v1.0.0) Added Background Audio Guard and selectable mic compressors

v3.10.2 21-Aug-2023-

Feature:(Paradiso v2.13.2) Added support for selectable mic compressors

v3.9.2 24-Apr-2023

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Input channel names not updating

v3.9.1 20-Mar-2023

GTM:Aligned SDI input view to hardware capabilities

v3.9.0 28-Sep-2022

Feature:Added support for DARK8MAI with Gs3207 board

v3.8.1 08-Jun-2022

Bug fix:(Divine) Pot percentage text incorrectly displayed

v3.8.0 15-Apr-2022

Feature:Added support for DARK1616M Variant 1- Added support for GTM devices

Minimum Requirements:Windows 10 version 2004, or Windows 11

v3.5.14 06-Dec-2021-

Feature:(Styx) Digital gains can be set up to +12 dB

v3.5.13 07-May-2021-

Bug fix:(Vita Mini X) Removed peak meter from Sidetone panel

v3.5.12 15-Mar-2021-

Fix:(Spark) Changed RX channel labels

v3.5.11 01-Mar-2021-

Bug fix:(BEA-B4+) One of pan sliders misbehaves

v3.5.10 28-Jan-2020-

Fix:(Vita Mini X) Changed labels in TX settings panel

v3.5.9 03-Nov-2020

Feature:(Paradiso, Styx) Volume/gain controls are scaled in dB and are editable

v3.5.8 29-Oct-2020

Bug fix:(Styx) Monitor bus selector was out of sync with user selection

v3.5.7 28-Oct-2020

Feature:(Styx) Added selectable metering point for the main meter

Requirement:(Styx) firmware 1.2.0

v3.5.5 25-Oct-2020

Feature:(Divine, Comedia) Added audio phase inversion control

Bug fix:Remote firmware update fails if more than two devices are selected

v3.5.4 21-Oct-2020

Feature:Added Comedia device

v3.5.3 09-Oct-2020

Bug fix:(Styx) App crashes when AES3 output is made stereo

v3.5.2 19-Sep-2020

Feature:Open/close state of mic input panels is preserved between sessions

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Mic gain trimpots reset to zero when navigating to another panel

v3.5.1 06-Sep-2020

Feature:(Divine, BEA-B4+) Added device temperature reading

v3.5.0 28-Aug-2020

Feature:Added Vita Mini X device

v3.4.0 08-Aug-2020

Feature:Added Spark device

v3.3.4 14-Jul-2020

Feature:(Divine) Added speaker groups

Requirements:(Divine) Firmware v2.1.0 and Dante v1.1.0

v3.3.3 03-Jul-2020

Feature:Added support for Divine devices

Requirements:(Divine) Firmware v2.0.3

v3.2.7 03-Jun-2020

Bug fix:Further fixes in the remote device firmware update feature

v3.2.6 29-May-2020

Bug fix:Improved reliability of remote device firmware update

v3.2.5 22-May-2020

Features:Added support for BEA-B4+ device

v3.1.4 09-Mar-2020

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Mute buttons in Mixer don't update properly on stereo buses

v3.1.3 28-Jan-2020

Features:(Paradiso) Presets from older versions can be imported

v3.1.2 06-Nov-2019

Bug fixes:Static IP list not showing in the Discovery settings pane

v3.1.1 28-Oct-2019

Bug fixes:(Styx) Pot/button assignments not properly restored from a preset

v3.1.0 25-Oct-2019

Features:Divine can be updated remotely

Bug fixes:(Styx) pot/button assignment changes not always updated the UI

v3.0.1 25-Jul-2019

Features:Paradiso v2.12.0 and Styx v1.1.1 can be updated remotely

v3.0.0 17-Jul-2019


- Remote firmware update (supported devices only)

- Demo mode - virtual devices can be opened without real hardware connected

- Log panel shows diagnostic and error messages

v2.15.6 09-Jul-2019-

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Stereo channels not shown correctly

v2.15.5 14-Jun-2019-

Bug fix:(Styx) Main PGM meter shows wrong output channel

Requirements:(Styx) dfu firmware 1.0.2

v2.15.4 13-Jun-2019-


- Added diagnostic log panel

- Added Maintenance panel (device updating doesn't work - demo only)

v2.15.3 24-May-2019-

Bug fix:App crashes if some Paradiso presets are restored while the Mixer page is open

v2.15.2 24-May-2019-

Features:App installation directly from Glensound website

v2.15.1 17-May-2019-

Features:Changed active device colour and added some tooltips

v2.15.0 15-May-2019-


- Added Styx

- Presets from Paradiso version 2.7.1 can be imported

Requirements:(Styx) dfu firmware 1.0.0

v2.14.1 09-Jan-2019-

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Preset fails to save

v2.14.0 03-Dec-2018-

Features:Added DARK1616S

v2.12.0 20-Aug-2018-

Features (DARK devices):Added display options (narrow view, disable meters, etc)

v2.11.0 08-Aug-2018-

Features:Added auto-discovery methods:mDNS with multicast response and Windows DNS-SD- Added static discovery option (by entering the device's IP address)- Devices are discovered also if network cable is plugged in while the app is open- Added "Refresh" button in the device selection pane- The left pane can be locked open- App version number is displayed in the title bar- Device-specific Audio settings (was:"Filtering") moved to a separate panel

Minimum Requirements:Windows 10 version 1803- Paradiso dfu firmware v2.9.11- DARK1616M dfu firmware v2.0.0- DARK8MAI dfu firmware v2.0.0

v2.10.1 09-Jul-2018-

Bug fix:(Paradiso) App crashes if too many preset parts are applied at once

v2.10.0 04-Jul-2018-

Features (Paradiso):Settings panel shows the state of 12V DC In and mains supply- Label text is limited to ASCII characters only- Dante channel name lengths are limited by byte count rather than number of UTF8 characters- Improved performance and robustness of presets- Preset application panel shows a "Preset applied" message on success- Preset part choice is more fine-grained- Audio Mixer panels show numerical values of volume and pan

Changes:Temporarily disabled support for DARK devices (it will be restored soon!)

Bug fixes (Paradiso):Output channel icons for headphones and line outputs are swapped- Audio Mixer incorrectly allows settings for Dante outputs (they are not adjustable)- PoE state icons in Settings panel not updated

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.9.10

v2.9.1 12-Jun-2018

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Channel Names panel not updating properly

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.9.1

v2.9.0 21-May-2018

Features:(Paradiso) Dante channel names can be viewed and changed from the app

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.9.0

v2.8.2 30-Apr-2018

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Alert Settings controls not always updating

Known issue:(Paradiso) Alert Settings allow selecting the same Dante channel for multiple receivers even if Paradiso only supports one receiver per channel

v2.8.1 16-Apr-2018

Features:(Paradiso) Ability to lock HW controls for front inputs and pan

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.8.1

v2.8.0 11-Apr-2018

Features:(Paradiso) Added alert senders/receivers settings page

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.8.0

v2.7.3 15-Mar-2018

Features:(Paradiso) Added compressor options on mic inputs

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.7.2

v2.7.2 11-Jan-2018

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Mic inputs UI not updated when re-opening the main device panel

v2.7.1 09-Jan-2018

Features:Minor UI improvements (Presets and micro-sliders)

v2.7.0 08-Jan-2018

Features:(Paradiso) Added Compressor on mic inputs

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.7.0

v2.6.0 03-Jan-2018

Features:Presets can be marked as Favourites per individual device- (Paradiso) Selective preset application, by categories

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.6.5

v2.5.2 05-Dec-2017

Bug fix:Deleting presets just after importing them doesn't work correctly

v2.5.1 04-Dec-2017

Features:(Paradiso) Added Speaker button to the Audio Mixer view

v2.5.0 01-Dec-2017

Features:Preset list is shared among all devices of the same type- Presets can be exported to a file and imported- (Paradiso) Added Audio Mixer

Requirements:(Paradiso) dfu firmware v2.6.3

v2.4.1 16-Nov-2017

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Button in Cough mode turns off when Glensound Controller is connected

v2.4.0 15-Sep-2017

Features:(Paradiso) DC Outputs can be configured

Requirements:Paradiso firmware (dfu) v2.5.0

v2.3.0 11-Sep-2017

Features:(Paradiso) DC Inputs can be configured

Requirements:Paradiso firmware (dfu) v2.4.0

v2.2.0 24-Aug-2017

Features:(Paradiso) Button relations can be configured

Requirements:Paradiso firmware (dfu) v2.3.0 or above

v2.1.2 15-Aug-2017

Bug fix:(Paradiso) Button modes and pot ranges not saved in Presets

v2.1.1 11-Aug-2017

Requirements:Paradiso firmware (dfu) v2.2.1 or above

v2.1.0 08-Aug-2017

Requirements:Paradiso firmware (dfu) v2.2.0

Features:(Paradiso) Buttons can be set to different modes- (Paradiso) Pots can have the lower range limited- (Paradiso) A message is displayed if device needs firmware update

v2.0.2 03-Aug-2017

Requirements:Windows 10 Home 1703 (build 15063) or above- Paradiso firmware (dfu) v2.1.4 or above

Bug fixes:(Paradiso) Input signal meters freeze when the gain panel is folded- (Paradiso) Main meter lineup incorrect

v2.0.1 14-Jul-2017

Bug fix:Paradiso device name displayed truncated

v2.0.0 13-Jul-2017

Features:Added Paradiso support (basic)



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