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分光光譜輻射儀 Jeti Spectraval 1511

分光光譜輻射儀 Jeti Spectraval 1511

Spectraval 1511是一款精巧的分光光譜輻射儀(Spectroradiometer),可在所有顯示裝置上提供高品質的結果,並具備非常精確的測量能力。


  • ColourSpace INF/XPT/PRO & HTX/HTP
  • 6+mm Spot Size
  • 1nm Wavelength Resolution
  • 4.5nm Spectral Bandwidth (2nm HiRes version)
  • 0.2 to 140,000 cd/m2
  • Laser Pointer Alignment


Spectraval 1511反應快速、靈敏度高,波長範圍涵蓋350到780奈米,並內建目標點雷射進行對準,壓電式快門(Piezo-Electric Shutter)可提供暗訊號補償(Dark Signal Compensation)。


與Spectraval 1501不同的是,Spectraval 1511還包括內建顯示螢幕,可直接進行測量使用。


Spectraval 1511的標準配備不包含餘弦擴散器(Cosine Diffuser),因為在顯示器校準使用時,未使用此擴散器。如有需要,可在訂購時指定購買擴散器。



  • Spectral range: 380nm - 780nm
  • Optical bandwidth: 4.5nm
    (HiRes 2nm - approx. 6x slower reading speed)
  • Wavelength resolution: 1 nm
  • Digital resolution: 16-bit ADC
  • Viewing angel: 1.8°
  • Measuring Area/Distance: Ø6mm/20cm; Ø31mm/100cm
  • Measuring range: 0.2 - 140,000 cd/m2 @ typical warm white LED
  • Luminance accuracy: ± 4.4% @ 100 cd/m2; illuminant A, k=2
  • Luminance repeatability: ± 1% @ illuminant A
  • Chromaticity accuracy: ± 0.002 xy @ illuminant A
  • Color repeatability: ± 0.0005 xy @ illuminant A
  • CCT repeatability: ± 20K
  • Wavelength accuracy: ± 0.2nm; HgAr line source
    (HiRes ± 0.3nm)
  • Polarization Error f8: < 2%
  • Dispersive element: Imaging grating (flat field)
  • Light element CCD array: 2048 pixel
    (HiRes: 4096 pixels)
  • Power supply: Battery & USB powered
  • PC interface: USB 2.0 fullspeed & Bluetooth
  • Dimensions: 140mm, 115mm, 70mm
  • Weight: 500g
  • Operating Temperature: 10-40°C
  • Operating Humidity: < 85% relative humidity at 35°
  • Calibration: NIST traceable
  • 建議重新校準:1年

    NT$316,250 一般價格
    增值税  未含
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